Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Stark Knight's Top 5 Moments

The Stark Knight's Top 5 Moments

Tony Stark is a self confessed "genius billionaire playboy philanthropist." He also happens to be Iron Man, the world's coolest superhero. 

Thus far, he has appeared in four of Marvel's Avengers movies: Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Avengers and a small albeit effective cameo in The Incredible Hulk. Now, with Iron Man 3 approaching at the end of April, it's time to look back at Tony Stark's top 5 cinematic moments.

5 - Becoming Iron Man

The movie: Iron Man

The moment: After his military convoy is suddenly attacked by terrorists, famous inventor Tony Stark is forced to create the ultimate weapon of mass destruction for his captors. Yet with the help of fellow captured scientist Ho Yinsen, Tony instead builds his own weapon: a man-sized suit of armour equipped with some surprises of its own. "Now it's my turn."

Why it's awesome: This is the start of something huge not just for The Avengers franchise but for Tony Stark himself. As a weapons manufacturer, Tony realises that not only have his weapons somehow been sold to the wrong side, but that they are being used to kill innocent people. Time for change.

4 - Turning The Tide

The movie: The Avengers

The moment: Just when it seems that Loki may be gaining the upper hand against Captain America, Iron Man swoops in with style to save the day. "Make a move, reindeer games."


Why it's awesome: AC/DC blaring in the background as Stark blasts Loki from the air and floors him; the cocky attitude as he taunts Captain America's past; the pure skill of his landing. This is Iron Man at his coolest. 

3 - War Machine

The movie: Iron Man 2

The moment: Depressed at the thought that the reactor in his chest is slowly killing him, despite its function to keep the shrapnel in his body away from his heart, Tony goes on a rampage of drunken stupidity. Only Lt. Rhodes (Don Cheadle) can stop him. Suiting up in Tony's Mark II armour, he takes on the Iron Man. "You wanna be a War Machine?"

Why it's awesome: War Machine is Tony's best friend and ally Lt. Rhodes (or Rhodey). This is the birth of his story, although where the hell he was during the events of The Avengers is anyone's guess for now.

2 - Saving The World

The movie: The Avengers

The moment: The Avengers are still fighting to gain the upper hand against Loki and his minions in New York. With a nuke headed straight towards the city, Tony grabs the missile and in an uncharacteristic act of self-sacrifice, he sends it back through the portal and into the mother ship subsequently killing all of the Chitauri. "Who wants schwarma?"

Why it's awesome: This is a moment of personal absolution for Tony, as he proves Captain America's opinion of him to be false. "You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play." Thanks to a little help from the one and only Incredible Hulk, Tony survives but it was a very close call indeed.

1 - This Isn't Flying, This Is Falling - With Style

The movie: The Avengers

The moment: After some fantastic banter between Loki and Tony, the former decides enough is enough and angrily throws Tony from the roof of Stark Tower. Plunging to his death, Tony has one hope - from the top of the building, his Mark VII armour latches onto him mid-flight just in time. "Oh, and there's one more person you pissed off..."

Why it's awesome: It just is! 

So there you have it, there are Tony Stark's top 5 moments - but Iron Man 3 sees Tony on a much more personal journey of revenge against his most fearsome enemy The Mandarin. Judging by the trailer below, this list will be subject to change!

Check back to Movies Under The Microscope on April 25th for a full review of Iron Man 3.

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